Thieves use device to break into cars electronically, WSB-TV

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Thieves use device to break into cars electronically

ATLANTA – Thieves could be using fresh technology to scan information from cars and break in without anyone knowing.

Residents in the Woodland Hills neighborhood in northwest Atlanta reported several car break-ins Wednesday. However, no windows or locks were bruised.

One victim said Atlanta police told her that thieves may be using some sort of device to scan vehicle information and mimic the keyless entry devices.

“It’s just mind-blowing,” Alexia Cargal said. She said thieves ransacked her hubby’s truck and stole a checkbook.

Cargal said three other cars around Rando Lane were also cracked into.

“We indeed couldn’t see any physical harm to the car,” she said. “That was when the (officer’s) response was ‘you can electronically scan a vehicle identification number and break in.'”

The victim’s hubby and neighbors reported eyeing a silver Chrysler sedan wandering the streets just before the thefts. One neighbor reported eyeing the thieves in activity.

Cargal said mystery devices, which have been reported across the country, may have reached the metro.

“I think what’s scary is that now all cars are brainy cars, essentially,” she said. “So if they can break into your car with an app, like, what else can they do with your car?”

She wants everyone to be aware and know that these kinds of thefts could spread to other neighborhoods.

“You need to keep your car naked at this point, since it’s so effortless now to get into,” she said.

The victims said the thieves attempted to deposit a check into an account. The victims are hoping their bank and police work together to identify the thieves soon.

Thieves use device to break into cars electronically, WSB-TV

WSB Atlanta


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  • 12224389 Home
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Thieves use device to break into cars electronically

ATLANTA – Thieves could be using fresh technology to scan information from cars and break in without anyone knowing.

Residents in the Woodland Hills neighborhood in northwest Atlanta reported several car break-ins Wednesday. However, no windows or locks were bruised.

One victim said Atlanta police told her that thieves may be using some sort of device to scan vehicle information and mimic the keyless entry devices.

“It’s just mind-blowing,” Alexia Cargal said. She said thieves ransacked her spouse’s truck and stole a checkbook.

Cargal said three other cars around Rando Lane were also violated into.

“We indeed couldn’t see any physical harm to the car,” she said. “That was when the (officer’s) response was ‘you can electronically scan a vehicle identification number and break in.'”

The victim’s hubby and neighbors reported watching a silver Chrysler sedan wandering the streets just before the thefts. One neighbor reported eyeing the thieves in activity.

Cargal said mystery devices, which have been reported across the country, may have reached the metro.

“I think what’s scary is that now all cars are clever cars, essentially,” she said. “So if they can break into your car with an app, like, what else can they do with your car?”

She wants everyone to be aware and know that these kinds of thefts could spread to other neighborhoods.

“You need to keep your car nude at this point, since it’s so effortless now to get into,” she said.

The victims said the thieves attempted to deposit a check into an account. The victims are hoping their bank and police work together to identify the thieves soon.

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