Transport News – Peterborough Telegraph


Serious collision blocks Fletton Parkway in Peterborough

A man who died following a collision in Eye on Friday afternoon (September 1) has been named.

Overnight road closures at Bishop’s Road are set to begin.

A man has died following a collision on Crowland Road, Eye Green, shortly before Two.20pm this afternoon (September 1).

A serious car crash has closed Crowland Road in Eye in both directions this afternoon, Friday September 1.

The A1M was closed northbound just before Norman Cross at Junction sixteen for over two hours this afternoon.

The are long delays around March after a lorry overturned on Wisbech Road at its roundabout junction with the A141 this afternoon, Thursday August 31.

A man who died following a collision in Ailsworth has been named by police.

A car left the road and overturned into a field near Warboys this afternoon.

Police are seeking witnesses following a head-on collision on the A141 at Warboys this morning (Wednesday, August 30).

Two people were taken to hospital following a car crash in Peterborough on Friday night.

Tributes have been paid to a “lovely lad” killed in a two car crash in Northborough yesterday.

A man has died following a collision in Ailsworth yesterday (Monday August 28).

A man has died following a collision in Northborough yesterday (August 28).

One person has been killed and two more earnestly injured in a car crash in Ailsworth yesterday.

A man has died after a two vehicle collision in Northborough.

A road is presently shut following a collision in Ailsworth.

Motorcyclists are being reminded to take their safety gravely as part of a week-long national motorbike campaign.

Switches to local bus routes have been confirmed by Cambridgeshire County Council.

Thousands of drivers are set to hit the road this weekend to get away for the bank holiday weekend.

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